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Rader Park


Park Facilities | City of White Sulphur Springs, Montana

The City of White Sulphur Springs of White Sulphur Springs History The City of White Sulphur Springs is the County Seat of Meagher County. Meagher County, named for General Thomas F. Meagher, acting territorial governor, as formed by the second territorial assembly, March 26, 1886. All laws enacted by the second assembly were nullified by Congress, but on Nov. 16, 1867, the law creating the County was re-enacted by the fourth assembly. It was at this time that Meagher County was embracing the great gold boom. From 1864-65, up to the fall of 1868, the County had produced $6,949,200 in gold but the yield steadily diminished until today only a small amount of gold is produced. White Sulphur Springs, (first called Brewer’s Springs) was first established in 1870 when dwellings, bath houses and stables were erected for the miners, travelers and soldiers. The County offices were moved from Diamond City to White Sulphur Springs by election on November 4, 1880. White Sulphur Springs is picturesquely situated at the foot of the Castle Mountains near the head of the Smith River Valley. The City of White Sulphur Springs is perhaps best known for its’ ‘Castle’. The Castle overlooks the town. The gray stone chateau-style structure furnished with antiques was built in 1892 by Bryan Roger Sherman and now houses the Meagher County Museum. The Victorian Landmark is made of hand-cut Sandstone blocks hauled by oxen from the nearby Castle Mountains. The museum is complete with period furniture, mineral samples, clothing and artifacts from the area. The current population of White Sulphur Springs is approximately 1000 people. The main employment is Government Services, (including education, County offices, Federal Offices including the U. S. Forest Service and the U. S. Department of Agriculture), the Mountainview Medical Center and local business. Agriculture and tourism support the community. The City of White Sulphur Springs Public water supply is furnished by Willow Creek, a closed drainage in the Castle Mountains and two municipal wells located in town. Law enforcement is provided by the Meagher County Sheriff Department.


Chilton St, White Sulphur Springs, MT 59645



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